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Blood and urine tests

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Blood and urine tests help to check up on your health or diagnose a condition.

  • Usually one of the first steps in a complete range of tests and scans
  • A quick and easy test, with fast results
  • We offer a seamless pathway from testing to treatment 

Birmingham Prostate Clinic are a team of leading urologists and oncologists, who specialise in diagnosing and treating prostate, bladder and kidney conditions.

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What are blood and urine tests for?

Blood and urine tests are often the first step to a diagnosis. They can check your overall health, find out what’s causing your symptoms, or monitor how well a treatment is working. 

Our consultants have a variety of tests in their diagnostic toolkit to assess your health. 

What is a PSA blood test

A PSA test is a blood test used to diagnose prostate conditions, including prostate cancer. It measures your level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein only made by the prostate.

PSA tests can be useful, but they’re not always accurate. They can miss cancer altogether or cause a false alarm, making you worry when you don’t have to.

If your PSA levels are high, you’ll need more tests to confirm your diagnosis. A specialist can advise you on the best way forward. 

What is a kidney function test?

Kidney function tests measure how well your kidneys work. The kidneys’ job is to clean your blood by filtering out waste into your urine. 

Two simple tests can tell us a lot:

  • Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) – a blood test that measures how well your kidneys filter your blood
  • Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR) – a urine test to look for specific proteins that are a sign of kidney damage

These tests can help diagnose kidney damage or disease. If they catch anything, you may need follow-up testing for an official diagnosis. 

What is a bladder infection test?

It usually only takes a simple urine test to diagnose a urinary tract infection (UTI), a common bladder infection. This test measures levels of bacteria and white blood cells – a sign your body is fighting an infection. 

If your doctor wants to know which bacteria is the culprit, they’ll order a urine culture test. This can help shed light on why recurrent UTIs keep coming back, or guide the best choice of antibiotics. Most UTIs clear up quickly on their own or with a short round of antibiotics.  

What is a urine flow test?

A urine flow test takes a close look at the flow of your urine. It can tell us how well your bladder and sphincter, the small muscle that seals your bladder closed, are working.

During the test, you’ll urinate into a funnel-shaped device called a flowmeter. It measures how much you urinate, how fast it comes out, and how long it takes. 

This can help diagnose conditions like an enlarged prostate, possible cancer, or urinary blockages. It’s also used to check you’re able urinate normally after a procedure.

How do you test blood in the urine?

A test called a urinalysis can check if there’s blood in your urine. Sometimes, blood in the urine is obvious. But other times there are small, invisible amounts. 

Blood in the urine isn’t usually serious, but it can also be a sign you have a UTI or your kidneys or liver aren’t working properly, or kidney and bladder cancer. If your test shows blood in your urine, you’ll most likely need more tests to figure out why.

Why choose Birmingham Prostate Clinic?

We are a leading group of urological and cancer experts with a seamless patient pathway for personalised tests and treatments for kidney, bladder and prostate conditions. 

Our urologists pinpoint your problem quickly and help you get the right treatment, with access to local care from leading consultants. 

They know how important it is to get the answers you need as soon as possible. They partner with efficient, local laboratories in private clinics and hospitals to process results quickly. 

If your results lead to a diagnosis, you’re in good hands. We can place you on a direct pathway to treatment, with support from our multidisciplinary team at every step. 

What to expect during a blood test and a urine test

Before your test, you’ll be given instructions on how to prepare. Usually, blood and urine tests are straightforward, but special tests can mean avoiding exercise, eating, drink more water, or avoid certain medicines. 

Blood test

  • A small amount of blood is taken from a vein from the inside of your elbow
  • You may feel a slight prick when the needle goes in
  • The whole procedure takes about 10 minutes

Urine test

  • There are a few different ways to collect your urine
  • Some tests happen at the hospital or clinic, where you urinate into a sterile container 
  • Other tests involve taking your own urine sample at home

What are the risks of blood and urine tests?

Blood tests don’t usually cause any long-term issues. Side effects are usually mild and temporary, like bruising, dizziness or fatigue.

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How can we help?

Get in touch with our friendly team to find out more about tests or treatment, or to book an appointment with an expert consultant near you.